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Industry happenings, insights, and advice.

Change In The Nations Capital


We always talk about change being at the heart of every decision (and cliché). It’s tough for most of us to recognize we need it until it smacks us in the face! Well, given the changes underway for me and my career, I thought I would try something new – writing a blog post. Here we go!

Since my team and I are the only ones in the firm with a postal code outside of the GTA, we were tempted to talk about why Ottawa is the centre of the universe, however it might be in our best interests to discuss something closer to my comfort zone – change – we meet it when we least expect it.

Change can be a nasty word. As someone born and raised in the Nation’s Capital, change was a word spoken in a whisper. The professional community rarely changed jobs and while we would dabble in different internal opportunities, we seemed to marry our employers like spouses.

How true that our beloved Ottawa clung so tightly to its stability-conscious status quo, only to get smacked in the face by change driven by entrepreneurs with multi-billion dollar ideas. They created youthful high tech companies with record breaking pay scales and cool fringe benefits like game rooms, and in-house daycare. Top flight employees flocked to Ottawa, and Ottawa responded by creating new housing, wider highways, and merging its suburbs to brand itself as a newly styled Super-City. The change has been so positive – a more diverse culture; worldly restaurants, cooking classes of every ethnicity, and music festivals in the downtown core. An exciting, revamped city emerged, its pulse thumping and then, in a heartbeat, it crashed.

We are a city that has been forced into change over the past decade, and new companies have replaced some of the old. And at the end of the day one thing that stays constant is the need for professional talent. It remains at a premium for private and public sector companies. So it is no longer about avoiding change…it is which ride are you up for and how quickly can you jump on board!

Recruiting in Motion has allowed me to launch an amazing and innovative business in a city that is continuing to evolve. Over the past 15 years, I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the best talent and employers this great city has to offer. We understand what makes the Ottawa Valley unique and how to bring the best local opportunities to our professional community.

Please join us on our ride as Ottawa embraces what Recruiting in Motion has successfully built in the GTA. We are only just beginning to revolutionize how recruitment and job search is done in our once traditional city!

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