Are you ready for your video interview?

RIM’s simple video-capture process allows our candidates to shine and we feel that it’s the best way to showcase your strengths that cannot be seen on a resume such as your personality, communication style, and professionalism. This will greatly assist in you being chosen for that all-important first interview.  Our procedure consists of you answering 3 or 4 short questions. We recommend that you keep the answers brief, approximately 30 seconds per question is typical.

General guidance

    • Practice your responses to the typical job interview questions that most employers ask such as “describe your strengths and/or weaknesses”, “why did you leave your last position”, and “tell me about your ideal role”.
    • Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.
    • Consider your background. A neutral, tidy setting, or plain white wall is best.
    • Lighting is important. We recommend recording during the daytime for natural lighting.
    • Dress code: Dress as you would in a formal face-to-face interview.
    • Speak clearly and smile. First impressions count!
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Start Your Interview


Privacy Policy

By completing this online video interview, you are granting us permission to securely store and share your video with potential clients that may be hiring for suitable roles and/ or to make an internal hiring decision.

You have the right to withdraw this consent at any time as per our data protection policy. If you have any questions on how your video will be used to secure you work, please seek clarification from your consultant.


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