The Ultimate Guide to Following Up After Multiple Interviews

By October 12, 2022 Blog No Comments

The Ultimate Guide to Following Up After Multiple Interviews | Recruiting in MotionYou’ve done it! You’ve made it past several rounds of interviews, and now you’re just waiting for the company to make its final decision. The ball’s in their court, right? Not exactly. You should do several things at this stage to make yourself stand out as the top candidate. Here is how you should follow up after multiple interviews.

How to Follow Up After Having Multiple Interviews?

Send a Thank You Email

Step one is to send a thank you email after your interview. Include everyone you met within your recipient list. In your thank you note, reiterate your interest and ask when they plan to make a decision. A thank you email can set you apart from your competition, as many job seekers still don’t take this extra step.

Follow Up

Once you know how soon they plan to make a decision, you know when your subsequent follow-up should be. If they never confirmed how long they expected to take, following up a week after your last interview is a good rule of thumb. You can send an email or make a phone call if you prefer that personal touch. Avoid calling on a Monday or Friday, and time your outreach in the mid-morning, which will be after they get settled but before they break for lunch.

Include Valuable Information

Your follow-up is also a good time to add anything you may have forgotten to say in the interviews that you think will make a difference. For example, “When we were talking about time management, I forgot to mention that I have experience with several time management apps, and one might be helpful to keeping your projects on track.” You want to make yourself valuable to become their top prospect.

Keep Up Your Job Search

Of course, you still need to follow the classic advice of not putting all your eggs in one basket. Just because you feel good about an interview doesn’t mean you should stop your job search. You never know how long it will take for someone to complete the process or if circumstances could change. Continue submitting your resumes for jobs even after you’ve followed up.

Know When to Say When

Sometimes, despite all your best efforts, you don’t get the job. Often you never find out, and that’s a problem. While ghosting candidates is considered rude and unprofessional, it still happens. If you have followed up after your interview one or two more times without a response, it’s time to move on and consider other options.

Are you ready to knock your next interview out of the park?

Call the team at Recruiting in Motion today.